Thursday, November 8, 2012

How old do you think you need to be to learn to braid?

We are up to the 7th day in our unit on CREATION!

On the 7th day, G-d Rested. 

We celebrate Shabbat, every week on day 7- Saturday!

What an exciting week we had filled with the joy & peace of Shabbat!

Our dramatic play center turned into a "Shabbat Center" all week long! Scroll down for more of how we learned & experienced Shabbat!

We weren't sure if this activity would be too advanced for our 3 & 4 year olds...but they proved us wrong! By Wednesday some of the children were fully braiding!

 "Look what I did!" (without any help!!)

We also learned something interesting about why we have 2 challah's each week, 

 and why we cover the Challah's and place them on a special plate- before we make a blessing on them at the shabbat table!

Through a puppet show, the children watched a little scene of the Jewish people, while they traveled in the dessert. They ate Munn. (miracle food that Hashem sent for them.) On Fridays- Hashem would send TWO portions of the Munn. (that's why we place 2 challa's on the table.) Another special miracle happened- Hashem protected the Munn- from below and above- coating it in a layer of dew. So we cover the Challa's and place a plate under them to remind us of that miracle!

We gave each child some tiny marshmallows to represent the Munn (delicious miracle food Hashem sent to the jews in the desert). Each child had a chance to say what they imagined it would taste like!

Then we sprayed little drops of water on it, for them to understand what DEW is!

Focus on #7, since we are up to day #7 (Shabbat.)

 Using our Montessori furniture, and various objects as counters, we worked on the children's math comprehensio, by having them place the correct number of counters, on the shelf representing that number. The staggered shelves help the children master the skills.


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