Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Indians help the Gan!

Role playing a story always  adds a greater depth of understanding for the children.

As we told the story of Thanksgiving, we chose to focus on the part where the American Indians were so helpful and kind to the Pilgrims who had just gotten off a long and difficult boat ride.

Half of the children were the American Indians- wearing feathered hats, and living in Tepee's. The Indians knew how to plant food, and grow. The "Indians" went inside our classroom Tepee, watered our indoor vegetable garden.....

The other half of the group were Pilgrims- dressed in the black pilgrim hats, travelling in our make-shift boat!

Once the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock- they stepped off the boat. They were very hungry, and didn't know how to find food (there were no stores!)

The Indians were SO SO kind. They welcomed the pilgrims to America. They showed them how to plant corn, and grow vegetables.

The Pilgrims were so thankful for the Indians kindness- that they sat down together and had a Thanksgiving feast! 

They ate Turkey, corn & pumpkin pie!

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