Friday, November 16, 2012

Welcoming guests to Bake at Gan!

On Wednesday we welcomed lots of guests into our classroom!

From the VC Star newsreporter & photographer, to a bunch of new children and their moms!

We had a lot of fun following a recipe to make Pumpkin Pie! It was also a real life opportunity for our children to fulfill the mitzvah of "Hachnasat Orchim" (welcoming guests) that we spoke about last week! We were SO proud of all the children, who so graciously welcomed a bunch of new friends to our snack time, circle time, pie baking...and even to play with our pet Jackson!

These are the moments that show us- that the efforts we put into the character building of our actually working!

This is our new friend Logan- who went straight from Gan to the Emeritus Assisted living to deliver a Pumpkin Pie!   Thank you to all the moms who sent us pics from their giving experience. Pictures help us take the experience to a new level- they allow us to reflect on what happened, and absorb the meaning of what was done! Just looking at the Joy in the recipients face reminds us of how important it is to repeat such activities!


 We also did some cooking this week...

The children worked hard to cut vegetables for a yummy vegetable soup! In honor of this weeks Torah portion where Yakov made Lentil soup and gave it to his brother Esav- we added Lentils to the soup!

We are constantly looking for opportunities to build our students self help skills! The concentration, patience and building of their fine motor skills are just a couple of the benefits the children gain from these activities!

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