Friday, February 8, 2013

Learning Life Skills...and the love that goes with it!

At Gan Camarillo we believe children are competent and want to do the right thing.

So we give them choices and responsibilities...

One of the classroom "jobs" is to pour drinks for their friends at snack time.

This can be a challenge for a 2 and half year old or even 3 year old, as they master the strength in their hand muscles to control the pitcher, hold it up and pour out just the right amount!

It is so beautiful to see the older children's patience as the younger ones rise to the occasion!


I have to share with you the most precious scene that unfolded at snack today!

Menucha- (3) was doing her rounds pouring water. She had the wisdom to pour just a small amount for Levi (who is only 2).

After pouring Levi's cup, big brother Yitzi (4) kindly tells her, "Menucha u can pour just a bit more for Levi!"


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