In connection to the lesson we draw from Mt. Sinai, on Shavuot (see last weeks blog post on why G-d chose a Mountain) - we took this opportunity to allow the children to infuse character building into art.
Using the mountains as a model, we spoke about how the children could respond to various situations in the classroom and in life, when they meet people and when they play with their friends.
At Gan Camarillo, we are always mindful that the lessons are ones that can carry over into the children's lives today and as a foundation for the rest of their lives.
These lessons are timeless...I hope you will enjoy reading about the process of how we did it!
In addition to creating a masterpiece of a mountain, a vibrant classroom discussion unfolded as to what this Mountain might have said, at the time when G-d was selecting a Mountain to give the Torah on.
The children went through various steps, both in the art process, as well as the discussion process.
For the Art...
Each child created a paper mache mountain...
Once the mountains were ready, each child chose a different Mountain, from the various books and pictures we provided- that would be the mountain for them to create.
The children first drew on paper a rough copy of what they'd like their mountain to look at. (using real life pictures as inspiration.)
Then each child was given a chance to walk through our supplies room and select specific materials and paints that would be needed specifically for HIS or HER masterpiece. (Using the draft they drew as a reference to select the appropriate materials)
Each child created his/her own Mountain...constantly referring to his/her drawing.
BL found Blue hawaiin necklaces and opened them up to create a waterfall effect |
Yitzy used various blue pipecleaners to represent the waterfalls coming down his Mountain |
Rachel cut the stems off the flowers she found, so they would look more like the flowers on her Mt. |
Once the Mountains were complete it was time to use this as an opportunity to build the children's character, and drive home the lesson that the Torah brings us through the story of the Mountains on Shavuot.
Using the mountains as a model, we spoke about how the children could respond to various situations in the classroom and in life, when they meet people and when they play with their friends.
We took pictures of each Mountain, along with documenting the children's words, of what they would say to the Mountain that they created. (in response to what the Mountain might have said in the argument.)
The process of role playing the opposite extremes in character...from being showy and being thoughtful and mindful of others feelings was a valuable one for every child at every stage.
The children will each take home a story book, documenting this experience- and the beautiful lessons drawn from it.
Some examples ...
“So you have flowers!” said
another mountain “I have beautiful grass all over me! Hashem will choose me,
because I’m the greenest,grassiest mountain in the world!”
If Chaya could talk to the mountain
this is what she would say:
“You should just do a mitzvah (good deed) and think about
“Well” said another mountain
“I am colorful, blue and black and all colors. The Torah
should be given on me!”
Another mountain over heard and started to brag
“I have a gray flower and six yellow ones and a beautiful
waterfall I think it is me who will be picked!”
If Yitzi could talk to the mountain
this is what he would say:
“Even if you are beautiful don’t make others jealous”
“I have so many colors!”
If Ellah could talk to the mountain
this is what she would say:
“Be a friend”
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