Sensory Play!
The best part of sensory play is that it provides an opportunity for every child to succeed. Children who struggle academically can find solace in sensory play! A simple act of running fingers through water beads is calming and therapeutic.
Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain's pathways, which lead to the child's ability to complete more complex learning tasks.
Every morning at Gan- we offer atleast one sensory activity to support the children's development in so many areas! Language, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills and social name a few!
It is also great for calming an anxious or frustrated child!
Cornstarch fun!
This simple mixture of cornstarch and water provided a morning full of exploration sensation for the children!
The concoction develops into a interesting "hard" feel to the touch, when left to air- however when touched with the children's fingers (body heat) - it rapidly turns into a liquid!
Menucha had a lot of fun with this texture!
While scraping it with a popsicle stick, a little piece flicked on her throat.
Then the giggles began :)
It was quite ticklish !
After a while the the texture of the cornstarch drys up a bit....
Jacob enjoyed this new feeling
and looked at each piece with quite fascination.
The mess cultivates daily living skills...
After a morning of exploration in the sensory table filled with tiny beads-- there's LOTS to clean up!
Working together, the children swept and shoveled the mess up! Lots of coordination and cooperation to make it a success!
Sensory Activity: part of the process of creating Mothers Day Vases
Washing their hands after creating handprints on vases, became a therapeutic sensory activity for the children!!
Feeling the soft soapy water....
washing off the paint!
Learning how to make hand-prints! (controlling their hands, so the paint doesn't smush ;)
Fantastic Fine Motor Fun!
This time with droppers and different colored water. This activity requires a lot of concentration.
After learning to control the dropper- to drop the water into the suction cups, the older children mastered the ability to REVERSE the action- by drawing UP the water, and returning it into the little containers!
Jacob sat at this activity for 45 min!!
The younger children carefully observe the older ones, learning from them!
Devorah Leah enjoyed coloring the table with the water!
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