Friday, July 25, 2014

Day #7- Shabbat!

On Shabbat, Hashem rested from creating all the different things He needed for the world!

This week we enjoyed experiencing all sorts of Shabbat related activities! We also had a fun discussion about what we like most about "Shabbat!"

Here is the poll...

Yehudis- "Seeing Daddy!"
Lia- "The whole thing!"
Gnendi- "I like having guests!'"
Rachel- "Going to Shule"
Olive- "I like to see my Nanna"
Noach- "Being with Mommy"
Yossi- "Going to Shule with Dad and brother!"
Bracha Leba- "Sleeping all day!"
Mendel- "Spending time with the whole family"

Matzah Balls

Shabbat Themed Obstacle Course

Following 4 step directions is an important skill for our preschoolers to master! We honed our gross motor skills alongside our imagination in this Shabbat Themed Obstacle Course!

 1. Throw the Matzah Ball into the pot! (stand in one tire and throw the ball into the other!)

1. Clean the floor for Shabbat- Circling the flat gym mat on hands and knees.

3. Skip to the Synagogue with joy- Do a Tumble Sauce over the gym mat, going down the hill! (some people have to walk up or down a hill on Shabbat to get to their Synagogue)

 4. Run to the planter and pick a flower for Shabbat (Bring back something from our planter)

Challah Hunt

Using team-work, we read clues to help us find all 7 ingredients that comprise Challah dough! To make it even more exciting, we used a bread maker to help us make dough for the Challah!

Listening to the clues

Trying to Solve the Clues

BL found the Flour!

gathering all the ingredients!

Challah  Braiding!

 Tie Dying Challah Covers

 Co-operation, co-ordination, Creativity through BLOCKS!



 Look what else we can make with blocks!!


Snapshots of the week...

Decorating pretend candle sticks

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