A great way to start off our last week of school together was our 'memory art table.'
We taped different pictures from through out the past year.
It was so heartwarming to observe the children talking about their special moments that they experienced this year. We offered them paper and markers to have them sketch those fond memories on paper.
Watching the children run into the classroom with joy and excitement each morning has been such a pleasure! They have learned many skills through many mediums, getting their minds thinking all while having fun!
In our still over flowing recycling draw we have many different size bottle covers.
After tracing many of them on a poster board the children had to match the correct bottle size cover to the circle. It was problem solving with recycling fun!
The friendships that have developed through out the year is amazing.-We've watched the children go from parallel play to cooperative play, truly interacting, communicating and appreciating their peers.
Menucha and Aron sharing a work center and discussing the pattern they wanted to create together!
Ilani working on patterns. clips being magnetic we placed a magnetic board and encouraged the children to follow the pattern .
After circle time we usually head to the nice outdoor, but this week we just wanted to treasure a few extra moments of conversation and time with them. So before heading right out the door, Morah Lisa chose different fun songs to sing together and the children loved it!
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