Holiday of Sukkot!
How lucky we are, to have so many Holidays one after the other! G-d gifts us with these moments in time, to take a practical lesson, to infuse into our lives.
The children have really absorbed the "big ideas" we have introduced. Some of them are still so passionate about dipping their apple in honey on Rosh Hashanah- so we have made sure the big ideas flow from one Holiday to the next.
A big focus has been how Hashem loves us so so much.
Rosh Hashanah (when we crown Hashem as King)= Hashem LOVES us like a parent
Yom kippur (when we ask forgiveness to Hashem and want a sweet new year)= Hashem LOVES us even when we make a mistake and we need to try hard to fix it.
For the holiday of Sukkot we focused on what the significance of the Sukkah is!
We took the children back in time, to when the Jewish people were traveling in the desert. When we were in the desert, Hashem protected us with a cloud that was surrounding us from all sides. (CLICK HERE for more on the cloud and Sukkot)
Hashem sent that cloud because He LOVES us and was protecting us with His "big hug :)"
Was such a comforting way for the children to understand what a Sukkah represents.
Using little people we reenacted what it might of felt like to have a cloud next to them.
What were we being protected from?
Each child received a piece of a 'cloud' (cotton piece) and felt it on their feet. To help them imagine what it might of felt like to walk on a cloud.
The cloud also helped keep their clothes clean with the moist in the cloud it acted like a moving washing machine. (sounds nice;)
Here we sprayed some water on our hands to feel the water moist and clean any spots we had.
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