Its that time of year...
With sniffles and weather changes, we felt it so important to dedicate a whole unit on Hygiene!
Especially with the age and stage of the children in our classroom, it is so easy for germs to be passed around! We also wanted to teach the children that it is a MITZVAH to keep our bodies healthy! Hashem cares about us even how we wash our hands!
Well that's when 'sneezy boy' came to our class to teach a valuable lesson!
A laminated realistic looking child and a spray bottle through his nose helped the children visualize what a real sneeze looks and feels like.
We role played a funny story of 'sneezy boy' coming to school and kept being interrupted with a big ACHOOOO, and as we did that we sprayed the bottle :)
Their faces were priceless!
Once everyone got a little wet (with water;) they got the message: germs can get around really quickly! (even though you might not be able to see!)
How can we help sneezy boy??
Levi helped us by getting a tissue!
All taking turns blowing his nose and stopping the germs from flying!
We then asked, "What if we don't have a tissue near by?"
We practiced with sneezes and coughs blocking the germs with our arms/elbows.
later on in the day Evi and Max role played sneezing and blowing his nose!
Germs are not easy to teach since they are invisable! So we did a couple of experiments to show what sharing germs look like!
We took glitter and colorful sand and placed it on my hand I than shook a friends hand and we saw it got passed on! It was a lot of fun and eye opening when we went around a circle and each time a friend shook the next friends hand there the 'germs' were!!
Without even hesitation they knew exactly how they can finally get it off, they ran to our soap dispenser!
Washing song to help us wash for the correct amount of time:
(T.T.T.O row row row your boat)
wash wash wash your hands
wash them nice and clean
wash the tops and wash the bottoms and fingers in between!
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