Friday, April 17, 2015

Traveling Torah tots

 Traveling Torah Tots

It was heartwarming to see how excited the children were to come back to school and see their friends!

Plenty of hugs going around ;)!





 Before the Pesach break, we left off on a high that the Jewish people were finally able to leave King Pharoh and Egypt!

Now what? where did they go?

During this time period on the Jewish Calendar, we are counting the Sefirat Haomer, the days leading up to the next holiday of Shavous - when Hashem gave us the Torah.
this was a great opportunity to talk about TRANSPORTATION!

Did they fly? did they take a train?.....

They used their feet!





Graphing different forms of transportation

Slow, fast, faster, fastest.

Required a lot of thinking.

Max helped us place his favorite type of transportation- a train!



 For a cool sensory experience, the children placed their bare feet in paint and watched their foot prints go onto the papers!




We placed different size boxes for the children to paint outside. with a little imagination we turned these boxes into cars and a truck! It was a great way to help the children through open play, to talk about the different ways we can travel now!




Truck drivers ;)


Eva picked her spot and waited for a ride.





Using communication and patience while figuring out seating arrangements.


Transportation puzzles

Aron and Levi working really hard on the car puzzle that did not have a self correcting place to put the pieces.


Ink pads and trains!

Was fun watching the different tracks the wheels made from the ink-on the table.





Sibling love!


We want to welcome Yehudis Markel who joined our class this week!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Devorah Leah Muchnik!

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