Brachas Blvd
This week was Brachas week!- We focused on some of the blessing that we say on the food we eat.
click on the link to learn more: Why do we say a brachas on food?
Our main message we wanted to teach the children is how grateful we are for the food we have and how important it is to ask Hashem (G-d) and appreciate all He does for us!
Bracha's Restaurant!
To learn our Brachas in a fun interactive way we set up a restaurant!!
On each Menu we divided the food into five different categories, according to the distinctive blessing that is recited on each category of food!
When a 'customer' would ask for food, we would say, "Would you like a 'shehakol' drink?"
Katherine choosing what she wanted for breakfast! |
It was so great to see the children switch role's from being a server and then being waited on.
patiently waiting for their food :)
Elizabeth the waitress! Balancing all the food that was ordered!
Party reservation ;)
Hamotzi Bracha:
For the blessing on bread/challah we placed a sink in the back of the restaurant to help them practice washing for bread and saying the correct blessing!
Shehakol Bracha:
Drinks, ice cream, cheese, ...
One morning we made pretend ice cream out of shaving cream glue and food coloring!
Was a great sensory experience!
Muka adding to the experience by painting with her sunglasses ;)
Made real ice cream !
Using milk, a little vanilla, and ice cube-- we made delicious ice cream!
We learned about where milk comes from.
Best part of making Ice cream in a bag-- Got to shake it, a lot!
Our hands started getting cold so we worked together and shook it on a big towel!
Made a beautiful "Shehakol" Bracha and enjoyed our hard work outside !
Ha-eitz Bracha- Fruits that grow on trees
We made a delicious healthy fruit salad together!
After receiving clear instructions on how to use the plastic knives, the children felt so big cutting the fruit up all by themselves!
Great hand eye coordination to hold the fruit steady and carefully cut.
Wow! all our hard work!
Yummy! |
Ha-adama Bracha- Vegetables that grow in the ground.
There is no better way to learn about vegetables than visiting our own garden!
Before we started planting, we did a circle time about the vegetable plants we have and when we can pick them. We talked about the care that they need etc...
Then we worked together to plant pumpkins!
It will be exciting to reap the harvest of these pumpkins when Fall arrives!
Changing up our davening routine with a parachute!
Water slide fun!!
Questions to ask your child:
1) Who made all the food that we eat? (Hashem)
2) What did we make for the Bracha of Shehakol that was very cold? (Ice cream!)
3) What fruit grows on a tree that we make the Bracha of Haetz?
4) What did we plant in our gardern for the Bracha of Hadama? (pumpkins)
5) What did you do in our Bracha's restaurant? Did you like being a waiter or to be served food?
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