Thursday, May 26, 2016

Learning Respect in every part of our day

Rabbi Akiva was well known for the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel (love for another). However, his students made an error and lacked respect for one another. How can it be that his students made such a mistake? and what can we learn from it now?

Respecting one another was the big idea of this week. There are so many ways to have respect. It was beautiful to see our class truly working on the ultimate "Ahavas Yisroel!"

Putting our friends first

We wanted the children to experience in a hands on way how we can think of others before ourselves.
We put out different color hearts with a treat sitting on top. Each child got a turn to ask a different friend "What color do YOU like?" and then find it for them.

For some this was quite challenging, getting up ready for their own treat BUT FIRST hearing what their friend wanted. It was a great way to really feel for the other person and make them happy!

Shua fulfilling Levi Yitzchaks request for a green one!

It was so special watching them care for another and feel truly happy for the other person. 

Max asking Dovi, and patiently waiting for Dovi to pick his favorite.

Morning centers that teach respect

When we have a play dough center it usually consists of each spot having a piece. This week we placed a big pile of play dough for each child to take own their own. This was a great way for the children to think about their friends and consider taking the proper amount- so there would be some for their friends.

Creating a long chain helped the children communicate and work with each other.

Observation in our class plays a big role. We placed a tape dispenser on the table and watched the children teach each other how to cut off a piece and just the right amount.

Team effort was needed to create a fun marble run. Children got to listen to their friends ideas and add their own to create a fun structure.

Turn taking

Cooperative art

Instead of each child getting their own paper to color, we divided one big paper. This was a great way to respect each other's space!

Levi saw that Muka was really enjoying the blue marker. He really wanted to use it but sat so patiently till she was done!


Davening circle in a pretend train was a fun way to be together but also being careful with each other's bodies. With different body motions we make during different songs it helped them become aware of their friend sitting very close to them.

Overheard by snack time...

Shua and Chani both had a vanilla & chocolate cookie. This lead to a table discussion each saying what their favorite flavor is. This was a great reminder to talk about how each person is unique and we respect their choice. It was a simple example but from the words they were using and really listening to each other say what they like truly showed they got the big idea!

Lag Baomer trip!

We enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch together!

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