So many magical memories from these last 2 weeks on Treasure Island! We hope you will enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed experiencing them with your beautiful children!
Summer Trips
Camarillo Trolley Ride
Waiting so patiently for the Trolley
Underwood Farms
The children enjoyed picking strawberries, and feeding the farm animals
Alef Bet Letter Discrimination
creating letter shapes in the sand, finding the letters behind the sand.
Make your own Pizza Day!
Lots of hand-eye coordination discriminating how to stretch the dough, and deciding how much sauce to spread! Sprinkling cheese and more...
The Special day of Shabbos:
We focused on the number 7, and how many days there are in the week.
Using counter cubes, the children connected the correct number of cubes corresponding to the correct day of the week.
Recognizing and Counting 7
Shopping for Shabbos-- sorting activity
Children were invited to select items that were needed for Shabbos and place in their shopping carts!
Puppet Show Story- Yosef Moker Shabbos
Yosef made sure to buy the biggest and nicest Fish for shabbos! Hashem rewarded him with finding a very precious diamond inside the fish! We learned the lesson of making sure we have the best for Shabbos!
Chicken Soup for Shabbos!
Peeling carrots and cutting celery! Lots of practice on life skills!
We rolled Matza balls, and enjoyed a delicious chicken soup! It is always so exciting for the children to witness the process of seeing the raw vegetables /ingredients turn into something so delicious!
Fun with Friends
Hakoras Hatov- Recognizing the Good
The children baked cookies one day and then gave them as a gift to Ezra who so kindly came in to make picture frames with us!
painting the frames
Alef Bet Letter Discrimination
creating letter shapes in the sand, finding the letters behind the sand.
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