Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sweet twist on a 'Happy new year'!

"May you have a SWEET NEW YEAR!"

The phrase we hear and say again and again in the weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah- the Jewish New Year.

We wanted to make this meaningful and practical for our class.

Children relate to puppets. We role played different scenarios of friends being nice to each other. 
We used the word SWEET to describe the kind ACTIONS that the children do!

SWEET = Mitzvah's! 

Mitzvah's make us happy and Hashem happy too!

We want a year filled with many sweet Mitzvahs! A year filled with those happy feelings, like when someone does something sweet to us and us to others.

Now it was time to take the tradition of dipping apple or Challah into sweet honey and connect it to this theme!

Each child tasting a little bit of honey.

Each time a child did a 'SWEET' action they used dry erase markers to draw it on our board and simultaneously receive a lick of honey! Sweet =  Mitzvah =  honey!!


Elizabeth and Dovi helped each other trace their hands on paper. They did it again on our Sweet Jar to show their friends what they did.

Devorah Leah helped Mimi get a paper towel after washing her hands!
Muka and Faiga helped each other clean up our classroom!

 Max and Dovi noticed a friend spilled the pennies from our tzedaka box, they quickly jumped on the opportunity and helped clean it all up!!

Bee inspired play dough

 Rosh Hashanah projects
The children cant wait to bring home their Honey jar for Rosh Hashanah!

Bee Beading

We placed yellow and black beads with pictures of bees taped onto the table.

How do bees make honey?

One of our centers helped the children learn how nectar is sucked out of the flower and brought to their bee hive. It was a great fine motor experience and hand eye coordination getting just enough of the yellow liquid in their little compartments.

Apple Art

Motty painting an apple using inspiration from a picture of an apple. He then later wanted to create the same picture using a different medium.

At snack time we discussed why we eat a Rimon- pomegranate on Rosh Hashanah. There are MANY seeds in a pomegranate, which represents the MANY mitzvah's that we want our year filled with.

Friendships and sweet moments

Enjoying some water in our sensory bin on the hot sunny days!

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