Thursday, November 10, 2016

Animal discovery and a trip to the farm!

After a week of Noach and the Teiva/Ark, we decided to extend the Animal topic for deeper discovery.
We explored many types of animals and learned what makes an animal kosher. 

Motty and Bela Riva placing the correct animal pictures on our Kosher animal chart.
The animals on the Kosher side are those that chew their cud 7 times and have split hooves. Some animals were tricky since it only had one of the two symbols!

Ava having fun categorizing the animals one morning.

Learning about animals through art

By dipping the animals in paint the children learned the different types of foot prints and how many legs each animal has.

Animal inspired art:
We placed various pictures of animals on the table along with a variety of mediums. It was an invitation for each child to create their animal of choice.

Animal Show and Tell!

Show and Tell is a great way to practice public speaking and turn taking! Each child was invited to bring in a stuffed animal from home. They took turns listening and sharing all  about their special friend!

After 'showing and telling' us their animal, the children knew to raise their hand if they had any questions to ask them. 

Animal Literature

Dovi and Yehudis created structures for their animals out of play dough!
Dovi; "My animal is stuck"

Washing our animals clean!

Little animals frozen in ice trays!

Trip to Underwood Farms!

It was such a treat to take the children to see live animals.  It was a great hands on experience to learn about Hashem's special animals. 

 Feeding the animals!

snacking on Clementines they picked!

Enjoying a pumpkin ride!

Challah baking with 'Uncle Baruch!'

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