Thursday, January 19, 2017

Doctor's office in our classroom!

Community Helpers Unit continues...

Doctors and our body parts

Doctor's office in our classroom!

This was a fun center to learn and appreciate what Doctors do.
It was a very busy office this week!

One morning Max was the receptionist, answering phone calls.
Levi Yitzchak patiently waiting with his baby till his name was called. We over heard Elizabeth who was playing the doctor asking Levi Yitzchak, "Please tell me how I can help your baby?"

  Dr Ava on call :)

 Morah Rachel role playing how to be brave during a Doctor  visit!

"Ouch ABC's"

The children were invited to find the matching ABC band aid to the correct letter which had a 'boo boo' next to it!
This was a great fine motor activity as well as letter recognition.

 Learning about x-rays

Before we invited the children to start the x-ray art, we spoke about bones.
Can you feel them in your body?
The children then traced their hand and arm. It was fascinating watching the children figuring out if they should use their dominant hand as the tracer or not.

 The q-tips were the 'bones'.

Body parts

During snack we played a fun body part game. We named different body parts, some more difficult than others. The child that knew where it was got to place a sticky note on Morah Shira's body. This was a great visual and a fun way for them to remember new names for body parts.

Tracing our bodies was a fun way for the children to draw the body parts on their own bodies.
Morah Rachel pointing out all types of body parts Hashem gave us.

Dovi being traced and then adding what is inside his body. Here he is drawing his collar bone!

 Devorah Leah drawing her bones.

Where does the body part go?

 Creating our bodies with blocks! 

This was a great team building activity!

Menachem making a person out of his play dough

Thank you to the paramedics of Camarillo, for visiting us this week! We learned all about keeping our body healthy and got to see their ambulance!

Fire drill

This week we did a full campus fire drill. In the days leading up we learned all about what we should do in case of an emergency. This included not being scared of the loud noise, walking feet and where our 'safe spot' is outside of the school site.

Parshas Shemos

(Weekly Torah Portion)

We learned about baby Moshe in the river and how princess Batya with Hashem's help rescued him.

Alef Beis enrichment with Morah Michaela

Motty finding the Alef in the rice table.

The Ball in the Beis.

Getting comfortable with our pet Bearded dragons.

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