Thursday, January 5, 2017

Does your child know what to do in an emergency?

Community Helpers unit

This week we focused on fire fighters, who do such amazing work for our community.
We also spoke a lot about the safety precautions we need to know in case of a fire.

Fire station center
The children had such a fun time getting dressed like fire fighters and pretending to put out fires.

Their imagination was at work as the red play dough turned into a big fire that they needed to extinguish !

Levi Yitzchak answering a 911 call from his truck.


The children were invited to sort out from many pictures what was hot and what was not. We spoke about the fact that some fires are okay, we just need to be really safe around them (Shabbos candles, flame on a stove top etc.  )

Fire inspired art
Bela Riva using q-tips to create flames.
Dovi and Elizabeth enjoyed sticking their whole hands in the "paint flames".

Red shaving cream as the fire and make believe  fire extinguishers.

Learning our shapes while making a fire truck!
Morah Rachel encouraging children to try to write their own names!

F is for Fire

 What to do when we see smoke?

We used a sheet to help us create 'smoke' in our dramatic play area. Menucha helped us demonstrate. smoke rises so its best to get low and crawl out to safety!

We learned to feel the door to see if its hot or not! If it's not hot then it is safe to proceed.

Fire fighters from Station #54 right near our school came to visit!

 Up and close to show the children not to be afraid of fire fighters and to know they are there to help!

Sweet rain moment

While it was lightly drizzling we had the children sit outside under the awning to draw. Menachem decided to document the rain and then placed it in the rain to get the drops onto his coloring!
It was so sweet to watch his creativity and see how other friends were learning from him! It also created a very neat look making the colors bleed into each other.

Happy 5th birthday to Yehudis!
We also want to welcome Morah Riva to our Gan family!

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