Two Leaders
The Pesach story came to life by the children helping us create an Egypt/Mitzrayim center in our classroom. It was time to learn about two leaders:
King Pharoh - he did not like the fact that the Jewish people were getting larger in number. He was an un-caring King and made the Jewish people work hard as slaves.
This lead to a discussion about what SHOULD kings act like? There were such great answers. Max "They should keep people safe." Muka, "They should give some of their money to Tzedaka (charity)."
Moshe- He was a caring, kind person ; Hashem saw that he had the qualities to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt!
Working together as the Jewish slaves.
Problem solving how to make the building more sturdy. After some discussion they decided to create a wider bottom! (Lots of math/special skills being developed here)
Menucha and Devorah Leah tried to get away with a nap, the King wouldn't have it!
Sensory building
In our sensory table we placed wet sand and ice cube trays to mold bricks.
Look what Levi achieved!
Yisroel creating Matzahs with his bubby who came to visit.
Building pyramids
We told the children the Jewish slaves did not necessarily build pyramids in Mitzrayim. (Part of the cruelty of King Paroh, was he made them build on quick sand.) However, we invited the children to try to create a pyramid using different objects. Our Math skills were sharpened as they had to count out each row, to ensure each row is counted one less than the previous row.Moses In Me
After learning about the two different kinds of leaders, Moshe and King Pharoh, we were ready to learn a deeper lesson. Throughout the week we have been listening to a song called "A little bit of Moses in me". (created by the 8th day band)The Chassidic message is that inside each of us there is a little bit of Moses. We have the power to overcome any 'Pharoh'- any obstacle that comes our way or the ability to choose the right thing to do.
Moses in me jar!
To help make this lesson very relevant, we looked out for "moshe moments." Each time a child demonstrated empathy, an act of kindness, a sweet action/thinking of another person etc... they got to place a gem inside a jar. There will be a fun surprise once we fill up the jar!
Devorah Leah and Malka noticed Yisroel's water spilled they quickly both helped him clean up his mess!
Menachem found Mimi's shoes and tried helping her put them on!
Making delicious Challah together is such a highlight each week!
Happy Birthday Morah Malka!
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