Thursday, May 4, 2017

Bonfire with a lesson!

Lag BaOmer is the 33rd day of the omer, a minor festival falling between Passover and Shavuot. One of the reasons we celebrate is to commemorate the passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar click here for more information.

A tent in our classroom became the cave which Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai learned Torah in, as he hid from the Romans (who did not allow Torah Study.)

Hashem performed two miracles for him and his son:
A tree grew and produced carob fruit and a river of fresh water streamed outside for them to drink!

 Alef beis activities inside the cave!

Science experiment while creating a 'river' in the sand box.

 Fire = Torah
We learned that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai learned inside the cave for 13 years! While he was in there he discovered secrets of the Torah and wrote the holy Zohar (kabbalah)
Torah brings LIGHT into this world and on this special day a lot of light filled this world!

On Lag Baomer by his gravesite in Israel there is a huge bonfire each year with thousands of Jewish people from all over dancing around it!

We had our own bonfire!

Muka asked a great question, "Morah we learn Torah everyday, so why don't we have a bonfire each day?" :)
We are certain that our Torah Tots class is adding a lot of light to this world!

One by one each child had a chance to safely roast their marshmallow!
Thank you Morah Keren for bringing in the goodies!


 Dancing people for their Lag Baomer project

Kindergarten readiness
The children who will be graduating from our class this year have been enjoying a fifteen minute session each day with Morah Elinor. They have been focusing on Hebrew letter recognition as well as fine motor and art skills.

Learning the letter Alef and the Hebrew word Aryeh- lion .The letter Bet- for 'Bayit' (house) and 'Buba' (doll).

Working hard getting the beads into the letter Beit.

 Dylan learning how to sweep by getting all the beads into the taped square box.

Blue team and Red team playing soft ball!

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