Creation of the world
This summer we will be discovering our world through the 7 days of creation, as it's documented in the first book of the Torah.
Day #1- Light & Dark
Day #1- Light & Dark
"What is in there?" the children were asked!
After passing around the box, peeking in at the "darkness", we opened another hole in the box- which let in a bunch of light!
" Now where is the darkness? " the children were asked.
"It disappeared!"
With this we introduced the knowledge to the children that Hashem created Light and Darkness on the first day of creation!
We also spoke about the idea of darkness being able to exist only when there is no light!
What happens when we close all the lights and curtains/window? Its dark! But when we turn on a light? It disappears!
Black & White Cookies-
The children enjoyed mixing, measuring and shaping to create cookies that would help them remember what was created on Day #1! (Day and Night/ Black and white)
Day & Night inspired art
The children were invited to use a white crayon to make designs on the paper. Then paint over it with a darker water color! The results were the contrast of the white crayon design popping out from the darker paint!
More black and white art
Day #2- The sky & The Ocean
To introduce what was created on day # 2, we brought the children outside to be closer to the great big sky, filled with clouds- and brought out a bucket of water!
Did you know that clouds are actually made from water? That's where rain comes from!
Using pictures of the ocean and the sky- the children were able to visualize and appreciate what Hashem made on day #2!
Ocean Art
Using different shades of blue paint, the children created an art scene of the ocean and sky!
Painting with water!
Sensory- Clouds!
Sensory- What happens to water when its frozen?
Funnels and scoopers, making sounds of "rain" with blue and white rice!
Science of Water: Sink VS Float
Each child was invited to pick one toy from our classroom, and during circle time we went around the circle giving each child a chance to experiment with the water to see if their item would sink or float!Almost everything was floating, except for the toy train and a tzedakah coin!
So many ways to enjoy the water!
Trolley Ride
We learned how to walking slowly and hold the rope to help us stick together!
Dylan mastering our spiral climbing frame!
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