Friday, January 26, 2018

Parshat Beshalach: A Journey of Growth

Parshat Beshalach - Shabbos Shirah

In Parshat Beshalach, we learned about the journey the Jews took when they left Mitzrayim. Hashem protected them and put a special cloud around the entire camp. The cloud  protected them during the day from anything that would harm them, even snakes and scorpions! At night a pillar of fire lit up the way for them.

After the Jewish people left Mitzrayim, Paroh became stubborn again and decided to chase the Jewish people and bring them back to Egypt. He caught up with the Yidden at the Yam Suf (Red Sea).

A Miracle in 3D

The Jewish people were very scared. Moshe Rabeinu cried out to Hashem to help the Yidden. But Hashem said to Moshe "stop Davening, now isn't the time to Daven" We learn from here that when a Yid needs help we must stop even if we are Davening and give ourselves completely to help a Yid. A big miracle happened; Moshe put his staff in the sea and it split, letting the Jews go through. When the Egyptians tried to follow them, the waters closed and they didn't make it.

Max celebrates with his cymbals, just like the Jewish nation!

The Jews had a big celebration afterwards, and sang the song called Az Yashir. This song thanks Hashem for the miracle of Kriyas Yam Suf. This is the reason why this Shabbos is called Shabbos Shira.

Miriam took her tambourine and all of the women danced with their tambourines, singing to Hashem.

Planting and Growing

This week we started to learn about the different parts of a plant. A plant has 6 parts and every part has a responsibility. The 6 parts are:

  1. Roots - roots hold the plant in the soil and bring water and nutrients from the soil to the plant. 
  2. Stems - stems hold the plant up above ground and carry water and food through the plant. 
  3. Leaves - leaves are where plants make most of their food by using air, water and sunlight . 
  4. Flowers - flowers can make seeds and fruit. 
  5. Fruits - fruits holds the seeds.
  6. Seeds - seeds hide inside of the fruit and grow into new plants. 

We made a salad from the 6 different parts of the plants.
Everyone had fun picking their favorite veggies!

The purple carrots were a big hit!
"They are the sweetest carrots ever!"- Levi Yitzchak

Lightening up our community

Last week Menucha and Max visited Inga Malenbaum and gave her shabbat candles which made her very happy :)

Watch Us Grow in Learning!

Menucha demonstrates how to use our adding machine

Now that the kindergartners are getting more comfortable with addition, 
Morah Avigail is challenging them with subtraction.

All of our mathematicians were excited to 
show their mommies their practice papers!

Elizabeth is getting the hang of it!

Practicing our sound recognition is even more fun with chalk!

Yisroel was determined to make the 
Uppercase and Lowercase letters

Muka stayed cool in the shade, while making her "Ss"

Every friday we look forward for Uncle Baruch.

Thank you! 

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