Friday, January 12, 2018

Parshat Vaeira

Parshat Vaeira: Spreading the Light 

In this week's parsha  Hashem told Moshe to warn Paroh to listen to Hashem and let the Jewish people go. Paroh was very stubborn and mean to Moshe. Paroh didn't want to let the Jewish people g, because he didn't accept that Hashem runs the world.

At first Moshe tried to speak with Paroh in a nice way but when Moshe saw that Paroh wasn't listening he came to Paroh with gevurah (with strength) and the 10 makos (plagues) began. Parshat Vaeira contains the first 7 makos.

Yisroel and Max enjoy water exploration.
* ask your child*
Which 2 makos were connected to water? 
(blood, frogs)

Morah Avigayil asked our kindergarteners "Why did Hashem bring the 10 makos, He could've killed Paroh and taken the Jews out of Egypt in a much faster or quicker way.?

Kindergarten learned that Hashem had 2 purposes: 
1) Hashem needed to punish Paroh. 2) Hashem was teaching Paroh that He is the one in charge and hoped that Paroh would do Teshuva.

Each week kindergarten is so excited to start coloring the parsha sheets 
and guess what will happen in that weeks parsha.

Light Up Your House, Light up the World

We delved deep into the exciting world of maps this week. 

Hard at work creating our own maps.

Did you know there is a special way to read a map?
 Kindergarten discovered that you need to use a map key.

We used special tape to create roads on the floor of our classroom and enjoyed using different materials to build houses and cities.

Morah Avigail shows kindergarten a map of our classroom

We also explored the connection we have to the world. 
When a person goes somewhere and does something good, they light up that place.

Max giggles at the candle Morah Avigail used to illustrate this point

 Leaps and Bounds in Literacy

Wet sand is a great sensory experience 
and a great way to write your name
Way to go Muka!

Image result for shin and sin
Shin like in Shark!!
Sin as in Sail away quick!
Menucha and Muka had a ton of fun demonstrating!

We lay down on the carpet and played a calming game. 
Relaxed learning is the best learning!
Writing letters in the air is fun!

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