A palace center was set up in the classroom to invite the children to play and act out the story of Purim that they learned throughout the week.
After a week of 'living' with Mordechai and Esther in their Jewish home, we definitely
felt a difference! All the glamor, jewels, mirrors, dresses, scepters it was quite a contrasting atmosphere and now could appreciate why Esther was hesitant to be the new queen of King Achashverosh!
It is so beautiful to watch the children really understand why Esther felt more comfortable in Mordechai's home than the palace!
Even with all the glamor we still found children wanting to hang out in the Jewish home!- That is where a Jew feels the most comfortable, doing Mitzvahs!
Mina in her Esther queen costume ran to get her baby a Torah!
Mina in her Esther queen costume ran to get her baby a Torah!
King Achashverosh was introduced and that he was a selfish King who liked to show off all his treasures.
In comparison we talked about what Mordechai's job was- to
gather the children and teach them Torah!
Life lesson at circle time
One of the big ideas from the Story of the Megillah is that Hashem is everywhere!
Mordechai comforted worried Esther and foresaw that if she was to be chosen as the queen it was part of Hashem's plan and that she should be brave because Hashem is IN the palace too!
"Do any of you ever feel nervous or worried about something or going somewhere?"
Saige, "I feel nervous when getting to know new people."
Hannah, "I feel worried when I have to go to the doctor."
It was so heartwarming to hear the other friends reassure them how they can be brave and yes Hashem is in the doctors office or when meeting new people!
Hannah helped hide a siddur in the Palace for when Esther wanted to daven to Hashem just like she did in Mordechai's house.
Friends re-enacting the Purim story using puppet theatre.
Dress up Self Portraits
Through out the year we invite the children to create their self portraits.This is a great way to document their growth watching the pictures get more and more detailed in their interpretation of themselves.
In the spirit of Purim we placed a mirror on the table as well as some dress up items and make up and watched what would take place.
After Rozie did a little dress up she started to draw herself . We observed her taking off her crown to get a closer look at it to create it on her paper
Dovi had a creative idea! Instead of looking in the mirror to draw his funny lips he made with lipstick. He decided to stamp it on his paper.
Mendel sitting next to him decided to create a brown beard "Like Mordechai" and try out Dovi's technique by placing his chin on his paper.
Sensory Gragger table.
During the reading of the Megillah on Purim, each time we hear Haman's name we traditionally make noise and shake graggers to blot out his name.
We placed all sorts of objects some that can create noise in a container and others that cannot for the children to experiment with sound.
Bela Riva shaking one container filled with seashells and another with feathers and pom poms to hear the difference.
Ari using great concentration while balancing a small object on a spoon to get into his jar.
Menachem decorating his own crown.
Thank you Moshe for helping us keep up with our beautiful garden!
Dancing in the happiest month of the year!!
Showing our thanks to Vons for donating hundreds of Hamentashen that will be given out over the Holiday of Purim!
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