Friday, February 2, 2018

Parshat Yisro: Its Unbe-LEAF-able

Parshas Yisro

In this weeks Parsha, Moshe's father-in law came to join the Jews in the desert. When Yisro saw the way Moshe was so busy acting as a judge for the Yidden, for the entire day with barely a chance to rest, He suggested that Moshe should delegate some of the work and offered to help Moshe set up a system of judges. Hashem agreed with Yisro and Moshe accepted Yisro's help. 
Moshe chose wise men to be judges, and if a judge was unable to help, then the problem was brought to Moshe.
On the first day of the month of Sivan, Hashem told Bnei Yisroel (Jews) that they would get the Torah. They were so excited!!!! Once they came to Har Sinai they felt so  united, like one person with one heart. 
working hard together to build Har Sinai!!
Kindergarten learned that the Yidden heard the Aseres Hadibros from Hashem, and every persons neshama (soul) was there!
Menucha was there, and Yisroel was there and Max was there etc. 

T'u Bishvat: Unbe-Leaf-able

Each kindergartener chose one of the fruits of Israel to make for our bulletin board.
Ask your child which one they made!
The fruit are: Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Figs, Pomegranates, Olives and Dates.

In Summary 

"The plant gets bigger like the baby gets bigger, it grows and grows" - Muka
Just like when we put a seed in the ground, we cannot see that the seed is changing and growing so too a mommy who has a baby in her tummy, the mommy's tummy grows and grows but we cannot see the baby yet. 

Ask your child why roots are so important!
(they help the tree stand up)

 Planting with our parents was so much fun,
Kindergarten decided to explore other things we could grow.

 Cutting potatoes can be hard, thanks for your help Morah Avigail!

We made our way to the garden with our potatoes.

Muka used a shovel to dig a row,
and gently placed her potatoes inside.
Levi Yitzchak and Menucha shared a shovel to get the job done!

Kindergarten and Gan joined together for a Tu B'shvat Party!

 Max and Yisroel chose their favorite fruits to use in their Fruit Flowers!

Elizabeth used OLIVE them!!

In conjunction to Tu B'shvat we are in the midst of creating our own Family trees!

Collaging with paper, allows us to explore the looks of different textures and learn new ways of creating art!
We even wanted to work on them during outside play!

Pattern Play

By working together in pairs,
Max and Elizabeth created a colorful ABCDE pattern

Look how much we've grown!
We were able to put together a 100 piece puzzle through team work!

Mazal Tov Morah Leah!

We were so excited to meet baby Chana!

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