Friday, April 20, 2018

Parshat Tazria Metzora: Just Right

Parshat Tazria- Metzora: Just Right

In this week's Parsha we learn about the Tumah of a Metzora. A Metzora is a person who spoke Lashon Hara (he spoke not nicely about someone) and Hashem puts Tzaraas (white spots) on his skin. He then needs to be checked if he is Tamei. If he is Tamei he is sent out of the camp to do Teshuva. Only a Kohen can determine if he is Tamei, because a Kohen has a special inner quality of kindness. This kindness causes the Kohen to be extra careful. He will double and triple check before deciding that someone is Tamei. A Kohen can truly feel the pain of the other person as if it was his own.
The Torah teaches us two very important lessons: 
1) We should be very careful how we use our mouth.
2) We should look at the good in others and try to help them, like a kohen.

Counting Down To Shavuos

We are counting the days and preparing our souls to receive the Torah.
This week we learnt about another inner quality of our soul. It is called Gevura which means; strength, rules and boundaries. At times Gevura can lead to fear.
We learnt that the world cannot exist with too much of Gevura or without any Gevura. 
In our class we played 2 different games. One was with too many rules. The kids were very restricted and it was hard to play that game.
The second game was with no Gevura, no rules. The children grew frustrated. These games led the children to understand that the right amount of Gevura is good. It's about knowing the right time and the right amount of Gevura to apply.

Hebrew Reading Games and More! 

When we played Aleph- Bais Bingo in class we reminisced about the beginning of the year. We have come so far in Hebrew reading after only a few short months!

We played a game where we could either look for a certain sound or write it. 
Writing it turned out to be faster for Malka!
Practice is important, but it doesn't have to be boring.

Muka and Menucha work together on a hebrew name word search!
Menucha found her own name right away!

Math Practice

Taking advantage of the Gan classes math unit, kindergarten was able to use these sensory math hands to practice our addition!
Muka successfully used these hands to make a math problem.
Max liked the way the math hands felt beneath his fingers.


Colors of the Rainbow

This week we have been working hard on identifying our color sight words.
Menucha reads the words and then uses a dry erase marker to color on top of the correct card.

Devorah Leah comes to school each day with a smile on her face, she was so excited to read and trace the words in the matching watercolor.

Playing a color matching game

Honing our fine motor skills and practicing our sight words with these coloring pages.
Yisroel proudly showed off his finished picture!

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