Friday, June 1, 2018

Parshat Beha'aloscha

Parshat Beha'aloscha: A Second Chance

This week's Parsha begins with Hashem telling Moshe to teach Aharon how to light the Menorah. Aharon set up the wicks to be tilted towards the middle wick, the Shamash.
        "Life-sized Menorah"

In this weeks Parsha we learnt a very important lesson. There was a group of Yidden (Jews) that were not able to bring the Korban Pesach because they were Tamei. They were upset and complained to Moshe that they weren't able to bring the Korban Pesach. Hashem told Moshe to tell them that they have a second chance and they could bring the Korban Pesach on Pesach Shaini. Pesach Shaini was a month after Pesach when these Yidden became Tahor (spiritually pure).
We can learn from this that just like Hashem gives us a second chance we can also give our friends a second chance. So if a friend does something wrong or hurtful to us, we should give them a second chance to make it up.  

The Leviim had different jobs in the Miskan. One of the jobs were to play instruments and sing. In our class we practiced playing instruments to different types of beats and had so much fun! 

Listening to harp music and practicing body control.

The harp was one of the instruments that the Levi'im played in the Mishkan

We learnt in the Parsha that the Yidden traveled for the first time since receiving the Torah. 
The Yiddin were protected in the dessert by the "Cloud of Glory". There were 6 clouds: one on top, one on bottom, and four around on each side. 
Devorah Leah is trying to figure out were the clouds were.

Levi Yitzchak practices reading and writing Hebrew. 
First he read the card and then he wrote down the word.
Everyone's handwriting is getting so much neater!

Material Math

We are beginning our unit of adding with larger numbers, 
and using our beginning skip-counting skills.
 Malka strings some beads on a pipe cleaner 
to make sets of 10, 5 and 2.

Max points out how many sets of 10,5, and 2 
we need to make the number 67

Menucha and Muka practice using 10's 
combined with other numbers to mach the number card to the right amount of beads.

Combining calendar with reading, 
During a word hunt.
Muka proudly highlights the word Wednesday.

Working with Fuse Beads tests our fine motor skills... and our patience!

We were so lucky to have Elizabeth's Mommy come into our class and teach us about cats!
All parents are invited  to come and join us and teach us something new.
Thank you Morah Rachel!!

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