Friday, September 7, 2018

What Can I Learn From a Pomegranate?

Rosh Hashanah 

This week we prepared for Rosh Hashanah and for a sweet new year. 
Did you know Rosh Hashana has more than one name?
The children learnt a song that taught them the 4 names of Rosh Hashanah.  
♪♫♬Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah is the head of the year. Yom Hadin the day of judgment. Yom Teruah, Yom Teruah the day that we blow the shofar. Yom Hazikaron Hashem remembers all we did. ♪♫♬

On Rosh Hashanah it's a Mitzva to hear the Shofar. The Shofar reminds our Neshama that we want to be close to Hashem and fix our mistakes. 
We learnt about all the different types of shofars and how it comes from a ram’s horn.

Morah Avigayil shows the class, a video of the Shofar-making process.

On the table Morah Avigayil put all the symbolic foods we eat on Rosh Hashanah. The children didn't only learn what the symbolic foods are, they also learnt the reason why we eat them.


Do you know how many seeds are in a pomegranate? A pomegranate has 613 seeds. That is just like the 613 Mitzvos that are in the Torah. 
We want to have a year full of mitzvos. Every Mitzva makes me closer to Hashem!

We got to practice counting. Every child was invited to count some pomegranate seeds.

The children tasted some of the symbolic foods we eat on Rosh Hashanah.   

Morning Tray Activities 

Evan uses Rosh Hashana shaped sponges to transfer water from one bowl to another, strengthening his finger muscles.
Malka matches the Holiday pictures to the word cards.

Rozie sets up a Rosh Hashana Table.
In a creative use of playdough, she rolled out a tablecloth and placed all the different Simanim inside it.

Bela Riva practices using glue and fills her pomegranate with ruby red seeds.
"Just a dot, not a lot"

Faiga and Motty design their honey jars for Rosh Hashana, 
each artist's honey jar looked different from the last.

Exercise Break for Mitzvah Menchies!!
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind!

Sweet Moment!! 

Menachem and Mendel were so excited that all the Mommies and Daddies would see their picture!

Kindergarten was so excited to use their calendars for the very first time!

TK reviews shapes and colors in a fun game of Bingo!

Every Mitzvah gets us closer to the King, Hashem.

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