After learning about Noach and the Teiva (ark),
the children were enthusiastic and curious about all the animals.
We base our curriculum on the interests and age appropriateness of our friends so we decided to
extended our unit and filled this week with exploring more on Hashem's wondrous animals.
Got milk?
Esther squeezing the cow's udder to fill up her cup.
We found out Esther went to see cows the day before and her sister milked a real cow! It was fun to hear and watch her connect her experience at school.
Mendel was so excited to show us the udder on the toy cow.
He worked really hard trying to fill up his cup with 'milk' from the cow.
Cows in action.
Animal activities
"Sticky sheep"
Panda art inspiration.
Arik using his 'trunk' to get the little pieces into the square.
Matching animals to the zoomed in picture.
Cheerios as the spots of the giraffe.
Thank you Morah Tally, for letting us play with your farm and animals!
Animal sensory
Batya creating tiger foot prints on her play dough
Animal ice rescue.
Shearing the balloon sheep.
Music and movements /Animal Yoga
Thank you Morah Malka for using your talent to sing fun animal songs with us!
Animal yoga stretches.
Real animal action!
A snail becomes a focal point of fascination.
Bonding with our bearded dragon and learning different unique facts about them.
Animals in our classroom
Animal feet on our shoe basket helped us learn all about our feet and the different types Hashem has made.
Animals drinking water by our water fountain started conversations on how they drink versus how we do.
Placing a giraffe picture on our mirror helped the children talk about necks.
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