The first Jewish couple, our forefather and foremother, Avraham and Sara are in this week's Torah portion.
They lived in a four door tent and taught people about Hashem. They loved having guests, and there were three miracles that took place in their home.
Using a tent with four openings, we brought the story to life in our classroom this week.
The Three Miracles
This was a constant reminder that Hashem's presence was there. We headed outdoors to look and discuss wha the clouds are.
Creating a cloud scene using glue, shaving cream and cotton balls. Chanie enjoyed the sensory experience.
2) Sara's miraculous Shabbos Candles
Every Friday night Sara would light Shabbos candles that lasted all week! Right before the next Friday night it would go out for her to light it again.
What an empowering feeling knowing for thousands of years a chain of Jewish women have been lighting candles just like Sara, our mother!
We placed pictures of some of our friends lighting the Shabbos candles by Shabbos party on Friday to add to their role playing.
Sholom painting on tin foil while looking at pictures of silver candles sticks and flames.
'Hidden candle art'
As our friends painted with water colors on their paper, a waxed image of the Shabbos candles appeared.
3) Sara's miraculous Challah
Sara's Challah that she made was famous for being very satiating. Whoever ate her challah was full for a very long time.
Busy in the tent making challah.
Moshe ran to get the washing cup to wash before eating his challah. Just like Avraham he would help his guest wash themselves and say the blessing.
Yanky was so excited to share with us he had challah in his lunchbox.
Batya placing sesame seeds on her challah project.
Mendel brought a puppet from home and it was perfect to play the guest role in our puppet show.
He decided his name was David and he was really hungry for Sara's delicious food.
Hosting Etiquette
Avraham and Sara loved having guests.
We learned many lessons on how to be gracious hosts this week.
We made cookies and invited the kindergarten class to be our guests.
Esther eagerly ran to open the door for our guests.
We were so proud of all the children for not tasting a single bit before giving one to our guest.
Arik chose his older brother.
Batya gave Saige a cookie and remembered to say "your welcome" after hearing Saige say "thank you".
Enjoying their own cookie after their guests were served.
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