Thursday, December 13, 2018

Minding our Manners!

This week our Big idea was our manners!
What an important skill to have for life. 
During this week we were intentional about how we set up our morning centers. We did a lot of group work and sharing space to give the children many opportunities to use kind words and manners.

At our art table there was only one glue. Mina waiting patiently for Adelle to be done and practiced using the word please and thank you.

Car track painting was a fun way to say excuse me, and take turns using the one dish of paint.

Chana Rochel and Eli beading long pieces of yarn together and practicing passing the big beads to one another.

Sharing space at the easel coloring different shapes together. Learning about personal space. What is too close and when it's appropriate to create more space for a friend.

Working together on our fine motor skills using clothespins on a box. 

Marble art that needed more friends to create a very neat picture.
Learning about gravity and mixing primary colors as well.

 Manners Garden

Our manners garden had three flowers for the three main words we were working on this week. Please , thank you and you're welcome. During some special moments that we caught them saying these words we took the opportunity to let them shine and let all their friends know by picking the correct flower and get their picture taken.

Yanky saying thank you to Esther when she was giving out the Tzedakah.

 Batya saying please to Morah Tally for a clean up sticker.

Mendel saying thank you for a penny.


"Please can you turn on the water?"

Utilizing snack time to talk about other manners. 
Mina and Moshe demonstrating how to chew with your mouth closed. This was a tricky skill for some.

 Catching beautiful manners outdoors! Yanky and mina saying thank you each time they were thrown the foot ball ;)

Eli letting his friends take turns with his toy and saying "your welcome" when Yanky said "thank you".

Esther and Chanie practicing their gross motor skills. Fascinating to watch the progress from the beginning of the year and see how their confidence builds.

 Morah Malka teaching our friends how a record gets played.


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