After spending weeks on our role models Mordechai and sweet Esther we were prepared to talk a little about evil Haman.
Haman's rule
Haman told everyone to bow down to him. He felt so great about himself and wanted to display that for all to see.
We got some curious looks about bowing to a person.
Well, before davening circle we used an ipad to show the children what davening looks like in a Shul. The people were swaying back and forth and it was in a bowing motion! Who are we bowing down to while we are davening? They all knew the answer, Hashem!
That is exactly what Mordechai taught the Jews we do not bow down to any human rather Hashem who is the creator of the universe.
During our davening songs the children started swaying back and forth while they sang sweet songs to Hashem.
Learning about the Mitzvahs of Purim
Listening to the Megillah
On the holiday of Purim it is such a special mitzvah to hear the story of the Megillah.
During the reading when we hear Haman's name we use noise makers (graggers) to show we are blotting out his name. Even till today we are proud to be a Jew and will not let anyone do that to us again.
Experimenting with sound
On our center one morning we put out different size containers, popcorn kernels and funnels.
We observed the children filling up their containers and trying to see what sound it would make.
Eli realized his was too full to make noise. He also creatively decided to push the kernels through the spice holes instead of taking off the cover each time.
Eating a delicious feast
We made delicious Hamentashen this week.
Esther following the instructions to turn her circle into a triangle.
Sholom using a lid to create his circle.
Being responsible and cleaning up after our stick mess.
Practicing our cutting and shape skills.
Giving Tzedaka
We practice this in school everyday. The children when seeing a coin lying around say "I want to give Tzedakah" It's amazing to watch these children understanding the importance of giving.
Giving food baskets
On the day of Purim we give each other food baskets.
'Shushan Purim' Dress up day!
Adelle our Shabbos Ima and Shmuel the shabbos Abba!
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