''You may look at yourself in the mirror and draw yourself or you may look at yourself in the mirror and draw something else. If you choose to draw yourself you get to share it with your classmates at circle time or if you choose to draw something else you do not get to share it with your classmates''.
Rozie and Evan are looking at the mirror and drawing themselves.
These choices are similar to the choices we have in how to live our life. We get to choose how we will live our life! "If you follow the Torah and its Mitzvahs, then you will be holy."
The name of this week's Parsha is Kedoshim. The word Kedoshim means holy. In our class the Morah gave an example of the relationship between Hashem and us the Jewish people.
The Morah used a mirror for the example. The mirror is the Torah that Hashem gave us. Hashem gave us the Torah as a tool and we have the choice to follow it and be holy or to not to.... and in this weeks Parsha a lot of Mitzvos are squeezed in.
The Torah tells us how bad it is to speak Leah Hara.
What happens when a person speak Lashon Hara?
Toothpaste Teaches Us
We did a cool experiment to show what happens when someone speaks Lashon Hara.Each child got a toothpaste tube and had to squeeze out the paste onto a plate. Once the toothpaste was on the plate the children had to figure out how to put it all back into the tube the way it was before it was opened!
At first they all got excited to figure this out. Then some children said this is impossible. There was one child that started to cry and gave up. The Morah's kept on cheering the children and gave them tools like spoons and popsicle sticks...
We let them try for a couple of minutes to see if some of them were able to put in the toothpaste back into the tube.
In class we spoke about what kind of injury a person gets when someone spoke Lashon Hara about him. Is it a visible injury?
No, its an invisible injury! So how can we fix an invisible injury?
It is very hard to fix it, the same way it was very hard to pour the toothpaste back into the tube.
Scientists At Work
Creating a cloud in a jar!
We watched the "rain" trickle through the shaving cream "clouds"
and hypothesized what was going to happen!
*ask your child*
What does hypothesis mean?
Domino Addition Matching!
Finding the domino that matches the addition problem.
Motty's mommy came in to share a story with the class!
Thank you for reading us a story!
Malka and Rozie chose and cut flowers to dry for our Mother's day Project.
Yisroel shared his trip newsletter with all his friends
This week we started to learn about time. Being on time is important.
Saige is telling us the time.
Rozie, Dovi and Bela Riva are searching for the Hebrew letters of their name.
Faiga helps paint the large rock! Our challenge was to fill it up with "Z"s
Menachem adds the right number of stripes to his zebra.
Evan finds a number that ends with a zero.
Numbers that end with zero, can all be counted by 10.
We are practicing counting by 10.
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