Thursday, May 2, 2019

Transportation and traveling through the desert!

Welcome back and Pesach reflection!
It was so nice to see all our friends after the long break.
Our friends had a lot to share about their Pesach fun. 

Reflecting on our Pesach vacation through art. We printed pictures parents had sent us and allowed the children to color what came to their mind.
Chanie drew about her experience at Dojo Boom and how her brother Yitzy helped her.
Moshe shared with us his fun ride on a bike and how he they went over a bridge.

Documenting our Pesach experiences for all to share and see.

After reflecting on Pesach and sharing with each other, it was time to talk about what happened AFTER the splitting of the sea? 
This week we focused on the long journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. They traveled in the desert for forty years and Hashem took great care of them.

What would it have felt like to walk on the sand in the desert?
It put a smile on Esther's face as soon as she got in. Mendel and Mina holding hands to help each other get in.

 Feet painting!
Some were brave enough to get that squishy feeling.

The Matzah they took out of Egypt didn't last too long and the Jewish people were in for a long trip ahead of them. (forty years!)
What were they going to eat?

We learned about the miraculous white seeds that fell from the sky called the Mann. 
It provided sustenance for forty years in the desert and tasted like anything they wanted.

Well this got some creative juices flowing when we asked our friends, "What would you want the Mann to taste like?"

We got a lot of yummy answers.
Batya would have loved it to taste like jelly beans!


Hashem also provided us with a cloud surrounding us so we would be protected from the hot sun and animals!

After discussing the Jewish people traveling in the desert. We took this opportunity to learn about transportation. 
Sholom, helped us graph the different ways we can travel now. Each time we talked about a different method we asked our friends; "Did we have that back in the desert?" Nope! We only used our feet to walk and follow where Hashem was taking us.

Cars and ramps. We placed different textures on the ramps to invite the children to experiment what went fast or slow. We found Yanky gravitate to the tinfoil one.  It was the fastest in his opinion!

 Car track painting. Experimenting with different size cars to see the difference in the track marks.
Yanky said he wanted to go really fast.

Markers attached to trucks and cars.

 Adelle "Need to wash my car for the trip."

Moshe working on a train project. 

Friends working really hard trying to get their paper airplanes in the hanging hoop!

 Airplane negative space art. Sponges helped create a cloud look all over their paper. When we removed the paper airplane it was fun to see the the negative space shape of an airplane.

Batya practicing her math skills using airplanes.

 Friends in deep discussion and exploration of all types of trucks and their uses.

 Different vehicles in our sand sensory bin.

Happy birthday to our dear friend Shmuel!

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