Thursday, June 6, 2019

The whole world was quiet!

Shavous is around the corner! This week we continued to prepare ourselves for this special holiday of receiving the gift of the Torah. 

Creating the Har Sinai scene at our sensory table using kinetic sand and lego people.

This week we took a deeper look as to how a Torah is made. 
We watched a video of a real Sofer (Special Rabbi who knows how to write a Torah, Mezuzah and Tefillin.)

Practicing writing Hebrew letters with feathers and black ink. Moshe tried making a 'mem' for his name. It's harder than it looks!
 Learning how to be so gentle with the Torah.

 The one and only time the entire world was silent was at Har Sinai during the giving of the Ten commandments. Even the animals were quiet!
At circle time, we role played this by each child receiving an animal. We played a game that when they saw the Torah on top of the mountain, they had to stop making the animal sounds.

At Har Sinai, Hashem made lightening in the sky. We learned what lightening is and had fun painting lightning bolts with Q-tips on black butcher paper.

Creating the holy Hebrew letters in the Torah out of playdough. Chanie wanted the 'ches' for her name.

 Found friends recreating Har Sinai scene with puppets. Chana Rochel had her puppet look at the lightening in the sky. "I'm not scared, Hashem is here."

Hashem made beautiful flowers grow on Har sinai.
Moshe and Batya enjoying flower inspired art.

Mina taking a moment to smell them.

Working on our vases for Shavous.

Headed outdoors to pick and cut our own greenery for our vases.

Emma offered to hold the door open for her friends

Shmuel working on his fine motor skills by getting his basket with holes covered in flowers and leaves.

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