Who's Who?
Everyone had fun guessing who was who
when we looked at the baby pictures of ourselves.
Tamar loved looking at herself as a baby.
Emma couldn't believe that Morah Davina used to look like that as a baby!
Learning how to take care of a baby.
This unit provided a valuable lesson for the children in practicing patience and sharing!
At first it was hard to share the dolls because there wasn't enough, but after talking and discussing our ideas with the class, Emma P. shared, "We could just play together and share!"
We tasted some baby food and talked about why it's so soft.
We realized it's because babies don't have teeth yet.
Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination at work to glue the beads to the baby bottle.
Our motto for glue is "Just a dot, and not a lot!"
Tie-dying baby wipes with markers.
Look at the beautiful colors Mendel used!
Moshe and Mina worked together to circle the words that start with a B
Inviting babies into our classroom was such a treat!
Mina showed everyone Yakov Mordechai's teeth.
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