Look how big I am!
This week we began with a conversation about how big we are compared to when we were a baby.
Chana Rochel trying a baby hat from when she was little.
Chanie getting measured.
We all start out as tiny babies. To bring this message home we pulled out a baby picture and asked our friends to guess who they thought it was. They weren't expecting it to be Morah Shira.;)
Friends having fun in our baby center and Esther showing us how much she loves her baby sister, Chana, with a great big hug.
Shmuel wanted to show us how big he is by doing a flip! Yanky, trying out a smaller toy by outside time and noticing his legs were too big to go fast.
We then discussed how special and unique we all are.
We passed a mirror around the circle and each friend had a chance to tell us what they notice about themselves.
Arik, "My beautiful eyes." Menachem, "Me".
Different expressions of ourselves
Using different mediums and provocations to create ourselves. Shmuel creating a self-portrait. Yanky using paint to create himself.
Play dough and miscellaneous objects invited some friends to make their face.
Love notes
At the orientation, our parents were invited to write beautiful love notes to their children.
This was a perfect time to pull them out and read to each individual child and show them how special and cherished they are.
This big idea will transition into our Rosh Hashana unit.
After spending a week talking about how special they are and how much our parents love us. We asked the children who else loves us so much?
Hashem loves us so dearly like His only child. We are so pure and special to Him ALL the time.
Giving ourself a hug :)
Happy 2nd birthday to our dear friend Menachem!
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