Friday, November 1, 2019

Be a rainbow!

Parshas Noach
Before delving into this weeks Torah portion, us Californians need a reminder about what rain is :) 
We sprayed some water on them and took out different items you might find when it rains. 
Shmuel helped act out the rain and our friends kept dry under the umbrella.

Rain and cloud exploration. Dropping blue water color through the shaving cream cloud created a neat experience of watching the 'rain drops' slowly move to the bottom.

 Arik and Chana Rochel learning about gravity watching the liquid go down the rain gutters.

Practicing our numbers matching the raindrops to the correct number written on it.

Yanky inspired by rainstorm pictures, created his own.

 Rain is important and can be fun. But now it was time to talk about what a flood is.
Hashem needed to wash the entire world, and umbrellas, boots wouldn't work to protect the people. A friend suggested a bathing suit.. but nope Noach created a big Teiva- boat for his family and all the animals.

Upside down tables, mats, rain gutters, blocks was a great inspiration to make Teivah. Chanie wanted to create a wall to the boat so the water doesn't get in.

Sholom wanted his duck to ride on his elephant to get into the Teivah.

 Eitan brought a policeman to school one day and his friends wanted to make a boat for him at the block area.

Throughout the week we discussed what it was like for all the animals to be inside a big boat and what a responsibility it was to feed all of them.
Before our lunch one day, we took out our bearded dragon and created a little boat and fed him worms. This was a great lesson on the mitzvah to feed our pets before we feed ourselves and a hands on lesson that there was even a bearded dragon on the Teivah.

Drawing what animal they want  in their "Teivah" project. Eitan teaching us Hebrew words for different animals.

 Animal puppets come to our circle time ! The boys let their animal kiss their tzsis too:)

When Noach came out of the Teivah, it must of felt very overwhelming. Hashem comforted him with a beautiful rainbow signifying that a flood will never happen again and now our job is to fill the world with beautiful Mitzvahs!

Color sorting.

Rainbow science experiment. Shining a flashlight on a CD in water created a big rainbow!

This is what it's all about! Taking this week's Torah portion and making it 'hands-on' with our hats on!
We filled their rainbow hats with their mitzvah notes, these sweet friends are making this world so beautiful!

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