Friday, November 8, 2019

Parshat Lech Lecha: Going Nowhere Fast

This weeks Torah portion is "Lech Lecha".
Hashem told Avraham to leave Charan and to go. 
Even though Avraham did not know where he was going, he did not ask Hashem any questions. 
Hashem had a better plan for Avraham. Eretz Yisroel was a much better place for Avraham than Charan.

                               Mendel is showing Dovi the path from Charan to Eretz Yisroel. Spencer is drawing her own map.

Class Discussion:
Sometimes we are told to go and do something we don't want to do,  but really it's something that will be good for us. Hashem know's what's best for us, our parents know what's best for us even though it might seem to us in the moment that we know better. 

We role played different ways of dealing with situations that are difficult for us. 
We can argue and complain. This would usually take much more time to get things done... 
Another way is to put our feelings aside and just do it.
Close your eyes, jump out and to do it. 

Hashem tested Avraham 10 times.

We can learn from Avraham to put our feelings aside and to do what is needed from us. 

Traveling in ancient days was not easy.
We learnt that the best way was to travel is with a bunch of camels, it's called a caravan. 

When Avraham came to the entrance of  Mitzrayim (Egypt) he hid Sara in a box. Avraham was worried the Mitzriyim (Egyptians) would take Sara because she was very beautiful. 
When the Mitzriyim saw Sara they said, "This woman can be Parohs wife".
Hashem sent a Malach (Angel) with Sara to protect her. When Paroh saw that Hashem is with Sara he understood that Sara was Avraham's wife. Paroh sent Sara back to Avraham with a lot of gifts and food. 

Mina and Mendel are role playing putting Sara in the box.

Later in the parsha Hashem promised Avraham the land of Eretz Yisroel. 
Avraham and Sara didn't have children. But how can that promise come through if Avraham doesn't have children ? Who will inherit Eretz Yisroel?
Avraham was old, he asked Hashem "will I have children?"
Hashem told Avraham to look up at the stars, 
Hashem said you will have as many children as the stars.
Each and every one of us is a star that came from Avraham! 
This is why Avraham is called Avraham Avinu, Avraham our father.

Moshe is making a sky full of stars.

Trip to the Firestation!

This week we went on a trip to the fire station. We got a great tour from the firefighters and we learned so much!

To cultivate an attitude of gratitude with the children, we made a card to thank out firefighters. Each child was invited to articulate why they are thankful for the fire-fighters! 
Here Batya is signing her name on the card.

WoooHooo we finished our Davening jar!!!

Our children Daven Beautifully and were rewarded for it.
They decorated a cookie in shape of a fire truck.

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