Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Same on the Inside

The Same on the Inside

This week Pre-K delved into a lesson on tolerance. We learned that Avraham and Sarah had an open tent that welcomed everyone, no matter how they looked or acted. When you are kind to everyone and treat them the same, that is tolerance.
Reading our homemade tolerance book to the class. Our children had a hard time grasping the difference between children of different skin colors. "Are they wearing different shirts?"
Then Mina said, "Oh they are different colors."
To make the lesson hands-on each child got the opportunity to be blindfolded and two different colors of clay were placed in their hands. Trying to guess the colors of the clay just by feel was impossible!
They felt the exact same!
They have the same ingredients, just different colors. Just like people!
We learned that Hashem created a special color in our skin called melanin. If you have more melanin then your skin is darker, and if you have less melanin, your skin is lighter.
Comparing the colors of our skin!

While making challah dough, we talked about how bakeries used to have rules that only people with lighter skin could buy from them.
Nobody could believe it.

Using clay and our hand muscles to create clay art people.
We spoke about different kinds of people while we worked. 
Morah Davina was sharing how some people might look weird because they don't have eyebrows, but we still need to be kind, and Moshe said " It's not nice to call them weird!" 
Great example of tolerance!

We read The Crayon Box That Talked by Shane Derolf
a story about a box of crayons that don't like each other, but then a little girl shows them that together they can do so much more!
Before we started, each child got a piece of colored construction paper and a matching colored crayon, each was invited to draw a picture. Right away everyone started to complain, it's not working! Convincing the Morah to let the children use different colors took a lot of work. Because really each color should stay with it's matching paper! Right?
But after we switched colors, we were able to create beautiful pictures!

The children learned that people used to only be able to work, talk and live with those who had the same skin color as them, and if people needed extra help (special needs) they couldn't live with regular people. We decided it's much better for people to mix and create beautiful things together!

This art project needed everyone's help! Each child used only one color, and we needed everyone to create a beautiful rainbow heart! Each child painted a beautiful crayon for a classroom display! Each so unique.

Some children wanted to illustrate the cover of Our Tolerance Book, and their names were written on the front cover! We read it all together, as well as solo!

Moshe needed all the colors to build his beautiful creation!
Using one would not have worked out well!

Eggciting Eggsperiments!
( ok,I'll stop :)
It was so interesting to test the difference between a brown and white egg.
We got to touch them, smell them, crack them, put them in water, and even eat them! (hard boiled)
In the end we realized they were pretty similar, except for the color.
Just like people! We are the same on the inside!

Making birthday cards and practicing recognizing and writing letters!
Happy Birthday 5th Birthday Spencer!!

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