Chanuka Unit
One of our favorite times of the year, is Chanuka! The lessons that the children learn during this holiday lasts a lifetime.
before starting where it all began, in the Beis Hamikdash , (Hashem's home) we talked about our own homes something close to their hearts.
Mina documenting what she loved about her home. "My family and food."
We offered different centers and mediums to invite the children to express in their own way what they love about their home.
Shmuel, loves construction this was his time to shine and we all watched to see what he was building.
Some children were attracted to the sensory experience of creating what was inside their home with playdough.
Esther wanted to draw her family in her house.
Show and tell day was a great way to find out from our friends what they love to play with in their home.
Adelle had a lot to share and was sweet to see our friends wait patiently as she organized her goods.
What makes our home special?
Is it just the house or our toys?
Through a puppet show about a family moving homes we learned its our FAMILY what makes it a home.
later we found Yanky, Eitan and Shmuel using their show and tell items to play with the tape homes!
Hashem's home!
We set up a Beis Hamikdash center for the children to get a taste of what it was like and also what it will, G-d willing, be like when we have the final Beis Hamikdash!
Our friends had fun being part of the process of making the Beis Hamikdash walls.
This center helped the children learn all about the special jobs the Kohanim did in the Beis hamikdash.
Menachem learning how to wash his hands and feet at the Kiyor (wash basin) before getting to work.
The highlight of the Beis Hamikdash experience was watching the Kohen Gadol light the golden menorah with pure olive oil.
After the lighting our friends practiced our gratitude by giving 'bikorim' the first fruits which is what the Jewish people would bring with them to give thanks. Eitan picked a delicious fruit for Esther.
Chana Rochel tasting from the 'lechem hapanim' (12 show breads) that stayed yummy and fresh.
Arik and Chanie holding the 'Aron' the ark that held the luchos (tablets).
After a week of living in the blissfulness of the Beis Hamikdash we will be introducing the Chanuka story next week and really appreciate the miracle that took place.
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