Friday, January 24, 2020

10 plagues- Why Ten?

Why did Hashem need to send TEN plagues!
Couldn't one be enough?
We learned that the reason there was 10, was because each one taught Pharoah in another way, the idea that EVERYTHING comes from Hashem!
Pharoah thought HE could make water turn to blood, you don't need "HASHEM" to do that!
 He also thought HE could make frogs multiply, or cause animals to die. But each plague reinforced to him that it is truly HASHEM that is running the world and controlling everything.

The children enjoyed exploring all sorts of sensory, math and literacy activities showcasing the 10 plagues!

Emma is turning water into blood!

Dovi drinking the blood!

Mina jumping with frogs!

Rozie tracing her hand to draw "kinim" (plague of lice)  on it


Literacy practice through the names of the plagues.

Mina is drawing "boils" on the little people!

Hail- the miracle of the hail was that there was a little fire INSIDE the stone of Ice!

We did a science experiment to see how according to nature, FIRE and ICE are opposites, and cannot coexist! We placed ice next to a flame, and watched how it melted the ice!

We learned a special lesson from the plague of HAIL! 
How did the little fire exist inside the ice? Usually water would extinguish fire, as we saw in our experiment! The lesson is, that sometimes people can be cold, or mean (like ice), but the little fire inside reminds us that every single person has a neshama, a spark inside them. A part of them that wants to do what is right, and be nice. Even if it doesn't look like that from the outside.

ALSO, When we are kind, and do a mitzvah, that will "melt" the ice away, 
and then the flame from inside will shine bright! Our warmth will melt away the coldness just like the fire melted the ice in our experiment!

Our job it to be warmer to someone who might seem cold on the outside. We should be the fire (kindness) to melt away the ice!

Social Studies- Maps

We began a unit on the world around us. Using maps of our city, our country, and our world- the children began learning about the world around them.

Map of the world, pointing out the continents!

 Trip to Trader Joe's, around our neighborhood

As a starting point in our social studies unit on the world around us, we took a trip to Trader Joe's!

We got to pick some yummy snacks.
We were so lucky to see the back side of the store, where they store lots of boxes!

In the back we saw the fridge, Dovi found the ice cream in the freezer.


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