Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A tree is like me!

Tu B'shvat Unit
A week filled with learning all about trees and how WE are like trees!

Tree inspired art. 

Tree sensory experience
Kinetic sand with green magnet tiles and branches were an invitation to create a nature tree scene.  
It's fun to watch how our friends minds work as Arik made a drink out of the sand and the branch was the straw. He was still thinking about our last unit of brachas as he shared what bracha his drink was! 

Esther creating a blooming tree out of play dough and leaves.

Miscellaneous objects created a stunning tree scene. Each child's work was so unique. 
Sholom working on his fine motor skills by beading his branch.

We focused on some parts of the tree this week and what it represents on a deeper level as a proud Jew.


Fruits represent our Mitzvahs! They are so sweet for Hashem.
At circle time our Mitzvah notes were on fruit and our bodies became the trees.

Dissecting apples. 
Placing the seeds, skin, stem and flesh in the right container.

Chana Rochel brought in a pomegranate from a tree at her house. It was a small one and we weren't sure it would taste yummy. 

Our friends came to the conclusion it was delicious. They all knew the correct bracha to say before tasting.


The trunk represents what makes us strong and firm, learning the Torah. 
Yanky and shmuel showing us how strong they are. 
We took our Torahs outside and found a trunk of a tree.

 Dancing with our Torahs around the tree was so much fun.


The roots represent what keeps us from falling, our belief in Hashem.
Falling off our chairs ;)

While we davened we had in mind to think about how Hashem is always near us and we shouldn't worry or be scared. Menachem and Sholom davening with such concentration and love.

Chanie and Eitan dissecting a plant and finding its roots.
Root painting using strings.

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