Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Torah Tots staying grounded

This week we learned about the Bracha (blessing) on Vegetables from the ground, the bracha, 'Borei p'ri Ha-adama'!
We placed a variety of vegetables on our discovery table. 
Adelle wanted a closer look at the little tiny pepper seeds. Yanky, used a tweezer to get the butternut squash seeds out.

 Yanky and Sholom were so excited when they found a Ha-adama vegetable in their lunchbox!  They were so excited to say the bracha.

Where do vegetables come from?
To make this lesson hands on, we took our vegetable toys to our garden and invited our friends to plant them under the ground.

The children were invited to try to find different pictures of vegetables under the dirt paint. Esther found a peeking carrot. 
Eitan used bubble wrap to cover his carrot with dirt.

Making a delicious salad together!
 Adelle following the safety rule how to cut with a plastic knife and Esther learning how to check lettuce to make sure there are no bugs.

Dressing our salad becomes a sensory experience with Mina telling us what the pepper smells like and Shmuel catching the seeds from a lemon.

Picnic outside on the ground with our yummy salad!


Yanky creating a 'vegetable man' that will be going into our Brachas book at the end of this unit.

Our bearded dragon likes to eat kale, that's a vegetable! Mina helped cut it into small pieces and it was fun watching him eat without a bracha though ;)

Vegetables add to our circle time. 
Arik picked a potato from the ground and found a davening song on the back of it.
Chana Rochel had to rely on her sense of touch to figure out what vegetable was in the bag.

 Mazel tov Chanie on her new baby sister Sara Nechama! Proud happy sister!

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