Thursday, February 20, 2020

Jewish Heroes come to life!

Purim Unit

Jewish Holidays are a special time for us to instill life lessons in our students. With the Holiday of Purim coming, we began our unit on the story from the Megilla, which we will read on Purim.

We first wanted the children to really feel connected to the two heroes of the story; Mordechai and Esther, and to most importantly view them as role models for their own lives.

Mordechai; the leader of the Jewish people at the time, he was also a 'Rebbe' (teacher) of small children and would teach them Torah!
Esther; a modest Jewish woman who filled her day with many Mitzvahs, she would play a very important role in saving the Jewish nation from harm.

How powerful for the children to really get to know them and feel empowered that THEY can be just as great as them, thousands of years later!

Mordechai and Esther's home

We filled our dramatic play area with many Mitzvahs.

Shmuel was so excited to be 'Mordechai' he found a Torah and wanted to read from it for all his friends.

Mina lighting Shabbos candles just like Esther! 

Yanky looking at some pictures we displayed of them doing all the Mitzvahs in our classroom.

Chana Rochel preparing the Challah for guests just like Queen Esther did.

Sholom was so excited to see a familiar siddur that he had at home too.

Giving Tzedaka in our Jewish home.

Learning about the different types of coins by dividing them up into different tzedakah boxes.

Mini Mini Gan

Inside our Jewish home we created a "mini Gan". Mordechai loved teaching children Torah, just like our friends do in Gan. 

Taking baby dolls and writing mitzvah notes before going to Mordechai's Gan.
Comforting our baby's before class starts ;)

Menachem as Mordechai teaching the children to love the Torah.

Our Davening circle moved to Mordechai and Esther's home. 
This was a powerful lesson to connect us to our Jewish heroes just like they davened to Hashem, nothing has changed!

During our Tzisis song Shmuel wanted to hold our Mordechai puppet.

Chana rochel holding the Mordechai puppet while drawing what mitzvah she likes to do. "Giving Tzedaka"

Happy 4th Birthday to our dear friend Esther!

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