We continued our Tu B'shvat unit this week.
Sholom counting how many pieces he needed to make a big trunk for the tree. Menachem loving the sticky paper to make his pieces stick without it being a sticker;)
Coloring in a taped tree and using playdough for the leaves.
We had so much fun making our Tu B'shvat center pieces by making a tree out of our traced hand.
How does a tree or a plant start?
Demonstrating how we all start like little babies just like trees start of small as well.
Adelle shared with us how big she is now that she can talk and ask for things. She also showed us she can reach to get the Tzedaka now!
Growth experiment by placing beans in wet cotton balls. We have been really patient waiting to see them sprout!
Yanky making patterns with different types of beans.
These past couple weeks, when talking about Tu B'shvat, we were reminded how our Mitzvahs are like the fruits of the trees by placing our fruit mitzvah notes on our Tu B'shvat bulletin board.
Tending to the garden
The10th of Shevat was a special day this week in the Chabad calendar. The 70th anniversary of the date the Lubavitcher Rebbe became Rebbe. What was his main message? That this world is a garden! Our job is to fill it with flowers and fruits (Torah and Mitzvah's) that beautify the garden, and bring peace to the world, the time of Moshiach!
Our Tu B'shvat theme seamlessly fit right into this message!
As we asked our friends "What is like a fruit and sweet for Hashem?"
We made delicious flower fruits connecting these two messages of our Mitzvahs are like fruit and the world becomes a garden when we do Mitzvahs.
Our Mitzvahs make this world so beautiful. Our classroom is a haven and a garden filled with mitzvahs each and every day. Just to get a glimpse, sharing Tzitzis when friends don't have. Giving extra Tzedakah and having patience for friends who are picking the coins they want to give.
A group formed around Arik who brought in stickers to show his friends. It was heartwarming to see him include everyone who kept on joining. Mina, Adelle and Chana rochel all became the 'mommies'.
Chanie drawing barley. We had such creative responses to what our friends thought it was! Yanky, "Sesame seeds". Sholom, "Oatmeal" Chanie "Cereal".
Documenting the seven fruits of Israel on our window to visit and discuss.
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