Thursday, February 27, 2020

The REAL king is in the Palace!

After getting to know Mordechai and Esther, it was now time to introduce the Purim story.
King Achashverosh was a boastful not nice king. 
He invited people to come to a grand feast just to show off what he owned. 
We really felt the contrast between the Jewish home and the palace. It wasn't as welcoming, and kind and our friends picked up on it right away!

The King needed a new queen, Sholom acting out asking his servant to let all the girls know they can come and try out to be the new queen.

Esther was quite nervous about this since she most certainly rather be in the comfort of our own Jewish home. Our friends were able to relate to Esther and understand her uneasiness.

Mina, came and gave Esther a big comforting hug. We kept on telling our friends, "Hashem is also in the Palace", Esther was to be brave and proud  and not scared of the King.

Esther becoming Queen Esther!

Getting the royal treatment! Friends helping the queen put on fancy shoes.

Queen Esther kept Torah and the Mitzvahs EVEN in the Palace!
Adelle hid the Torah behind the dresses, Esther brought the Tzedaka from the Jewish home to give in the palace.

We learned Hashem is the REAL king and He was watching over her in the palace too!
This was a powerful lesson we will take with us forever that NO matter where we find ourselves Hashem is always there with us.

Yanky making a castle on wheels!

Castle crafts.
Esther, gluing different shapes to create her own fantasy castle. Chanie, had fun painting a 3d castle.

Ice castles with frozen jewels. working hard with tweezers to try to get them out!

 Adelle and Esther customizing their own crowns.

Bringing the palace outdoors

Hanging out with King Achashverosh.

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