Through costumes, puppets and conversation we got to know our Hero's Mordechai and Esther!
The name Esther means hidden! We looked at the way Esther acted throughout the story of Purim. She was humble. Esther was happy the way she was. She didn't brag, or show off how great she was.
King Achashverosh saw how special she was INSIDE. She didn't need makeup or fancy dresses to show her beauty.
Acting out the story!
A Song we learned to remind us of the 4 Mitzva's of Purim:
Send shalach manos to your friend
Give tzedaka to a poor person
Hear the Megilla read in shul
and eat the Purim feast until your full!
Four Mitzvah's of Purim
1. Hear the Megilla-
We made our own Megilla with pictures and art. Decorated special cases to hold it in, using very fine motor skills to adhere tiny sequins to the glue!
2. Give Tzedaka to 2 people: Covering with Kindness!
We doubled up 2 Purim practices, and gave over a very important lesson to the children! One of the things we do when we listen to the megilla, is make noise (use a gragger) when we hear Haman's name! TO drown out any memory of the evil he did.
We decided to make our gragger (tool to drown out Haman's name) into a Tzedaka Box!
The important lesson, is that the best way to get rid of something bad, to block it out of our lives, is to ADD IN MITZVAH's!
The children worked hard taping decorations onto a Tzedaka Box Gragger! They look forward to doing a mitzvah at the same time as shaking their Gragger!
3. Give Shalach Manos-
It is a Mitzvah to give a gift of food to a friend on Purim day! The children decorated pretty boxes which we will use for our classroom Shalach Manos exchange!
4. The Purim Feast-
Eat a yummy meal and celebrate the holiday with friends and family!Purim inspired Challa today! Some friends turned their Challah into a Hamentash!
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