Wednesday, September 9, 2020



"Have a happy SWEET new year!" is what a lot of friends have been hearing with Rosh Hashanah around the corner. 
How can we make that famous sentence meaningful and a practical life lesson for our friends?
Honey tastes sweet, but we can also act sweet! Our mitzvahs are SO sweet to Hashem!

Our bee puppet sang the mitzvah notes and we used the words 'that is so sweet' when talking about our friends doing mitzvah's through out the whole week.

                                           Catching our SWEET friends in action!

Menucha kept offering her friends magnet tiles! We had to remind her its okay to have some left for her ;)

Chana being the tzedaka collecter.

Menachem saying a beautiful and sweet bracha on his tzisis.

Creating our sweet mitzvah projects using cinnamon and sugar in our paint. What a fun sensory experience while painting!

Where does honey come from?

We learned how bees have a straw like mouth and drink up the nectar from flowers. Shua helped hold the bee hive for the bee to make honey.

We used straws in our cups of water to explore what it feels like to drink like a bee.
Menachem showing his friends what a real bee hive looks like.

Menucha hard at work creating her own bee. Learning colors and shapes while looking at what a real bee and a hive looks like.

Going on a nectar hunt. Finding different flowers around the class and 'drinking the nectar' with our bee puppets. Yakov knew to fly to the bee hive to start the process of making honey.

Our friends were invited to make apple play dough using a jar cover.  Little apples inspired our work.

There were little black pieces in the play dough as the 'seeds'. Yakov discovering a real apple to see what it looks like in real life.

Shua putting on stamps on our Shana Tova cards, look out for them in the mail!;)

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