We were so excited to learn about Sukkos this week in Gan!
First we talked about different things we use for protection every day!
Esther showed us how gloves protect our hands from getting dirty. Arik told us that sunscreen protects our skin from getting sunburned!
In the desert after the Jewish people left Mitzrayim, Hashem sent special clouds that protected the Jewish people. These clouds protected the Jewish people from sunburns, getting dirty and even from wild animals and other people!
We grew little animals with grow capsules and showed how even tiny little bugs weren't able to go through the protective clouds.
Creating our own Bentcher/napkin holders for our Sukkah!
We sit in the sukkah to show Hashem how we trust Him to always protect us!
Bentching is also thanking Hashem
When learning to build a kosher sukkah,
we looked at some examples of not-Kosher Sukkahs.
Making leaf rubbings with schach can be tricky.
Hashem loves all the Jewish people and wants to protect all of them, that's why there are 4 types of plants in the "Arbah Minim" (4 branches thatwe make a blessing on).
Each one represents a different type of Jewish person.
Smell is mitzvos and taste is Torah.
Playing Pictionary, Mendel had to draw something that smelled good and tasted good like an Esrog!
Thank you to Dalya Dektor for the esrog donation! We loved smelling it!
We also need to protect each other by always using our Mitzvah hands!
Arik uses his Mitzvah hands to hold the tzedaka box for his friends.
Using Mitzvah hands to make beautiful Sukkah decorations.
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